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Origin Live VOYAGER

  • Производитель: Origin Live
  • Код товара: 11729
  • 822149.92 грн.

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Quick Overview

Voyager is the culmination of over 25 years research into the art of turntable design. Performance derives from many tried and tested techniques along with innovative ideas. This is nothing less than you would expect from our track record of 17 Awards won through intensive experience in this field.

The Voyager is also available in an “S” version where no expense is spared. If there was ever a perfect deck, this is it. Expensive ultra high strength alloys are employed alied with further intricate machining and numerous refinements to details. A 2nd drive motor is also added which further increases the already outstanding dynamics. Every care has been taken with the usual conscientiousness of Origin Live, to produce an utterly exceptional performer.

You may be asking yourself whether the differences between turntables are really that significant, and also wondering how much you should invest in a good front end. This also reveals the story behind our cutting edge performance and introduces many aspects that apply to all our decks, saving repetition that would otherwise occur on every turntable page.

Build philosophy and construction

Special attention has been devoted to the design of the platter and bearing assembly. This embodies the concept of transmiting energy instantaneously from the record, whilst also preventing vibration from the motor, the bearing, and the environment, entering the record. This sounds simple but is close to impossible to achieve in practice.

The Voyager platter uses intricate and unique mechanisms to create the equivalent of mechanical diodes. For non electrical readers, a diode allows electrical energy to flow only forwards but not backwards. Traditional heavyweight platters are inadequate to achieve this requirement as they tend to reflect vibration in the record (produced by the cartridge), straight back into the stylus.  Crude felt mats can only transmit certain frequencies which cause timing problems and other issues.

The Voyager uses a multi part platter designed to transmit energy at all frequencies without the reflection problems encountered in many platter designs. The energy is controlled by a series of shock absorption mechanisms created from long experience in controlling micro shock waves. Key components are made from highly specified alloys to achieve highest energy transmission speed and low "ringing" effects. Material compostion, profiling and the right damping methods are critical to accomplish this.

True expertise is the ability to know which details make all the difference. Its easy to invest enormous sums in fancifull notions that don`t necessarily make a musicaly coherent product.


You will notice that the Voyager has many seemingly insignificant details. For example, lightening hole profiles and part shapes are all carefully derived from experience of structural analysis - vital for the correct manangement of micro-vibration. This is not the brute force approach adopted by some spectacular decks where energy reflection seems to produce a lack of musicality and subtle mis-timing in micro dynamics.

The Bearing in the standard Voyager has been developed over decades to yield extremely low levels of friction and vibration. Features include, micron precision, large diameter for absolute rigidity, and a special oil.

The motor is chosen for powerfull smooth rotation whilst maintaining very low levels of vibration.
Drive belt consists of a low stretch, high grip material which is now widely recognised (in the form of our "upgrade belt") as a significant advance over ground neoprene belts, threads, tapes etc.

The Voyager plinth is constructed from high grade alloy and carefully damped to reduce ringing effects.

Up to 3 off, 9" to 12 inch tonearms can be mounted at the same time. Armboards are easily changed and adjusted.

The result is a deck with astonishing speed, clarity and accurate tonal balance. It will spoil you for all other decks.



  • 33 & 45rpm speed
  • Platter Mass 9kg
  • Overall Weight 27.8kg
  • Belt drive on DC speed motor

Проигрыватель доступен так-же в версии Origin Live VOYAGER S


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